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Downtown San Diego’s New Central Library on YouTube

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle|June 2008|Top Ten 92101 Blogs|Video with 0 Comments

The above link will take you to a YouTube video featuring Rob Quigley, design architect for the new Downtown San Diego central library. The library will be located east of 11th Ave between J & K streets.Mr. Quigley provided a quick update about the status of the library this Friday morning (June 6th) during a “Coffee with Nancy” CCDC update hosted by the Children’s Museum this morning at 8 am. Mr. Quigley added that the library is now only less than $17 million away from being a reality and to “feel free” to support this initiative by considering making a generous donation after watching the video.

More info can be found on the City of San Diego website and at www.CCDC.com Enjoy! -Pete