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New Downtown Developments: The New Children’s Museum

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle with 0 Comments


San Diego’s new Children’s Museum is located on the north side of Island Avenue between Front and Union streets (at the former museums site) in downtowns vibrant Marina District. The primary entrance of the Museum is on the south end which is surrounded by the beautifully landscaped Children’s Park. Childrens ParkConstruction of this project began in early 2006 and is due to open next month (May 4th!). This new museum is approximately 50,000 square feet and 3 stories high. “Like the art-oriented children’s activities within, the architecture seeks to engage and educate the users,” says designer/architects Rob Wellington Quigley.
The new Children’s Museum utilizes “green” architectural and infrastructure practices, including recycled building materials, photovoltaic panels, water-saving devices, natural daylighting and convection cooling. This will be one of the first ‘green’ museums in California. New Downtown Developments: The New Children’s Museum
New Downtown Developments: The New Children’s MuseumThe new building will include 13,000 square feet of galleries, retail store, public lobby, a cafe with exterior terraces, plenty of activity areas, ans a 25,000-square-foot multipurpose performance center. The Museum will also be housing a 6,000 square foot Charter School for grades 3rd through 6th.