Energy efficiency has during the last couple of years been a popular subject and for many made a huge impact in daily routines. Everything from coffee cups and grocery bags to automobiles are being made “more green” as a contribution to help the environment and to keep down costs for consumers.
To be able to create long-term savings for your Downtown San Diego Condo or Downtown San Diego Loft one big improvement could be to install energy efficient appliances and systems to be able to reduce utility costs and future repairs. The cost of these installations can be costly and many homeowners are wondering if “going green” if worth the effort? The Los Angeles Times is in a recent study settling some of the uncertainty of energy efficiency.
The article “Green-certified homes sell for 9% more, study in California finds,” reports that a large amount of homes sold in California, in the years between 2007 and 2012, shows that an energy efficient certification improved home values with 9 percent. They are also mentioning that consumers who are concerned with environmental conservation are willing to pay more for green homes compared to areas where the consumer is not so concerned with the environment. Making your Downtown San Diego home more green may pay off at a time of a potential sale according to the study. There are many different arguments on the positive and negative of making you home more green but from an investment perspective, this study definitely highlights the energy efficiency options in regards to resale value. ')}