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Downtown San Diego Condos & Loft Sold by Neighborhood in November 2009!

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Real Estate Market Analysis|January 2010 with 0 Comments

Downtown San Diego Condos & Loft Sold by Neighborhood in November 2009!

This graph show Downtown San Diego Condos and Downtown San Diego Lofts sold by neighborhood in November 2009!

The East Village/Ballpark District had most sales during this month with a total of 30 sales. 21 of them were Developer sales, 7 REO’s, 2 Short sales and 1 Resale. Not far behind were the Columbia District with 21 sales. 16 of them were Developer sales, 4 REO’s and 12 Resales. The Cortez Hill District had 16 sales, 7 Developer sales, 5 Resales, 3 REO’s and 1 Short sale. The Marina District had a total of 13 sales. 9 Resales, 2 REO’s and 1 sale each for Resale and Developer. The Little Italy District had a total of 7 sales, 4 Resales, 2 Developer and 1 Short sale. The Gaslamp District had a total of 6 sales, 4 REO’s and 2 Short sales. Least amount of sales goes to Metro with a total of 3 sales. 2 Developer and 1 REO.

To read 92101 Urban Living’s former blog click on Downtown San Diego Condos & Lofts Sold by Month – December 2008 to November 2009! and Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold by Average Sales Price – Dec 08 to Nov 09!. ')}