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Developer Sales to Decrease and Resales to Increase in Downtown San Diego

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Real Estate Market Analysis|May 2010 with 0 Comments



Developer Sales to Decrease and Resales to Increase in Downtown San Diego!

Developer sales have dominated the Downtown San Diego Condo and Loft sales in January 2010, however changes seem to be around the corner.

The Developer inventory is rapidly shrinking because of strong sales. Therefore it is anticipated that resales will be increasing and leading the way to more normal market activity.

Some economists predict that the market mix will still have short sales and bank owned properties as long as the unemployment rate remains where it is. It will be interesting to see how the chart will change by the end of 2010.

Check out 92101 Urban Living’s blog at SDNN, click on Developer Sales Down, Resales Up in Downtown San Diego and to read our former blog click on Are there any Identifiable Trends in Real Estate Sales for Downtown San Diego Real Estate?. ')}