Go Green…Go Downtown San Diego! I know that residents, CCDC, the Port of San Diego, small and big businesses are all thinking about our environment. As a Downtown San Diego condo home owner…I have noticed that going green is something that really has been a big subject the last couple of years in our community. 5 years ago the Port of San Diego’s environmental fund was created and their list was long. The Board of Port Commissioners has approved 62 projects and 42 of them has already been completed. The fund has programs that include but are not limited to recovering habitat, restoring the condition of the bay bottom, preventing future erosion or contamination, or reclaiming natural resource conditions along the San Diego Bay and surroundings. The video above give you more interesting info on what has been completed and what is yet to come. Check it out! ')}
San Diego Bay – Environmental Fund Projects Completed
By Mike in Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle|June 2011|Video with 0 Comments