This graph shows neighborhoods in Downtown San Diego by average sale price in the 3rd Quarter of 2009! The Columbia District and the Marina District has the highest concentration of luxury highrises!
The Columbia District is leading the way with $743,149, after that comes the Marina District with $607,647, shortly after is Metro with $525,438. The East Village/Ballpark District and the Little Italy District are close with $427,307 vs. $354,852. The Cortez Hill District had $363,468 and the Gaslamp District had $249,800.
To read 92101 Urban Living’s former blogs about charts please click on Neighborhoods in Downtown San Diego by Type of Sale in August 2009!, Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Financed in the 3rd Quarter of 2009! , Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold by Type of Sale – 3rd Quarter 2009! and Downtown San Diego Condos & Lofts Sold – Financing vs. Cash, 3rd Quarter 2009! ')}