This graph is showing us Condos & Lofts sold by price range in Downtown San Diego in the 3rd quarter of 2010. Total units sold are 268!
105 (40%) homes were sold in the price range of $300,001 – $500,000. 86 (32%) homes were sold in the price range of $300,000 and under. We had 1 unit that sold for $2,000,000+ and 11 units sold in the price range of $1,000,001 – $1,500,000. It is also showing us that 40 (15%) were sold in the range of $500,001 – $700,000.
To read 92101 Urban Living’s former blogs click on Downtown San Diego Condos Sold by Neighborhood – 3rd Quarter 2010, Downtown San Diego Condos Sold by Type of Sale – 3rd Quarter 2010 and Downtown San Diego Condos Sold – Cash vs. Financing – 3rd Quarter 2010. ')}