This graph shows Downtown San Diego Condos and Downtown San Diego Lofts sold by price range in the third quarter of 2009.
If you compare this graph with the graph from the 2nd Quarter 2009, 39% of all the sales were over $500,000, 33% of the sales went up $500,000 and $500,000 – $700,000 has gone down 7%.
For the third quarter 2009, 124 sales was in the price range of $300,000 -$500,000. 91 sales was in the range of $300,000 and under. 54 sales was in the range of $500,001-$700,000 and 32 sales in the range of $700,001-$1,000,000. 18 sales in the range of $1,000,001-$1,500,000, 2 sales in the range of $1,500,001-$2,000,000 and 1 sale in the range of $2,000,001 and up.
To see more graphs from 92101 Urban Living’s former blogs please click on Neighborhoods in Downtown San Diego by Average Sales Price in the 3rd Quarter of 2009!, Neighborhoods in Downtown San Diego by Type of Sale in August 2009!, Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Financed in the 3rd Quarter of 2009!, Downtown San Diego Condos and Lofts Sold by Type of Sale – 3rd Quarter 2009! and Downtown San Diego Condos & Lofts Sold – Financing vs. Cash, 3rd Quarter 2009! ')}