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C Street Improvements Has Begun in Downtown San Diego

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Real Estate Market Analysis|Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle|October 2010 with 0 Comments

C Street Improvements Begin in Downtown San Diego


The C Street improvements began work this week and the $284,000 project that can take two months to complete is designed to enhance safety and aesthetics in Downtown San Diego.

The C Street Master Plan is a project to improve the corridor, trolley, transit, infrastructure investments, streetscape enhancements, vehicular and pedestrian circulation and public art from India Street in the Columbia District to Park Boulevard in the East Village/Ballpark District in Downtown San Diego.

CCDC (Centre City Development Corporation), SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) and MTS (Metropolitan Transit System) all working together to make this happen and the purpose of the plan is to create an overall vision for the recreation of this area.

Please click on the following links to read more about this project:

  • Background
  • Consultant Team
  • Scope of Work
  • Project Phasing
  • Project Status/Timeline
  • Public Participation
  • Public Meetings
  • Documents and Maps

To visit CCDCs website with more information about the project please visit www.ccdc.com. ')}