This graph shows us the price range of the Downtown San Diego Condos and Downtown San Diego Lofts sold in May 2010.
The total amount of sales in Downtown San Diego under $300,000 were more this month compared to earlier month and this can be because of the amount of short sales going through. Out of the total amount of homes sold, both the price range of $300,000 and $300,001 to $500,000 had a total of 54 units (40%) sold. There were also 19 homes sold in the range of $500,001 to 700,000, 5 home sold in the range of $700,001-$1,000,000 and 4 homes sold in the range of $1,000,001 to $1,500,000.
To read 92101 Urban Living’s earlier blog visit How Did Downtown San Diego Home Owners Pay For Their Condos and Lofts in May 2010?.