Downtown San Diego Condo home owners in Portico, La Vita and Acqua Vista and Downtown San Diego Loft home owners in Doma and Palermo, residents and visitors come on down to the Little Italy District in Downtown San Diego for America’s first Gran Fondo Colnago on March 7th, 2010. This is the newest cycling tradition in San Diego!
Gran Fondos are long distance, mass-participation cycling events, like a recreational bike tour. For you who does not know “Gran Fondo” is Italian for bike ride.
The Gran Fondo Colnago San Diego will offer three route options:
• Gran Fondo — Long Route (101 miles) with timed King of the Mountain climb
• Medio Corsa — Medium Route (85 km/53 miles)
• Family Fondo — Short Route (51 km/32 mile)
All routes start on the 1700 block of India Street in the Little Italy District in Downtown San Diego – under the Little Italy arch — between W. Date and W. Fir Streets and all routes finish within the expo, located in the South parking lot of the San Diego County Administration Building, accessed from W. Ash Street between N. Harbor Drive and Pacific Highway.
The Gran Fondo Colnago San Diego will provide free event day parking for 750 cars in the North parking lot of the County Administration Building. This lot can be accessed from W. Grape St. between N. Harbor Dr. and Pacific Highway. The parking spots are available on a first come, first serve basis. ')}