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2008 Downtown San Diego CCAC Elections

By Mike in Downtown San Diego Urban Lifestyle|October 2008 with 0 Comments


CCAC Elections

When discussing the state of infrastructure and real estate development in Downtown San Diego, it is impossible not to mention the CCDC (Centre City Development Corporation). The CCDC acts as the redevelopment agency overseeing all the development of residential, commercial, and infrastructure in Downtown San Diego since 1976. The successes of Urban Redevelopment in the city core are due largely in part to the CCDCs equal commitment to the Big Three development areas just mentioned. The seven board members of the CCDC are appointed by the Mayor and City Council of San Diego to serve a three year term.
In an effort to promote public support and public interaction with the appointed board members, the CCAC (Center City Advisory Committee) was established to provide the communication link. The CCAC exists in order to provide local interests living and working in Downtown San Diego a foundation of support, suggestions, and review of CCDC projects and initiatives. The organization acts very much like a Community Planning Committee for Downtown growth and redevelopment. The CCAC is made up of 28 elected members representing residential homeowners, tenants, commercial property owners, commercial and retail business owners, and leaders of civic and cultural groups representing all 7 core neighborhoods. As defined by the CCDC guidelines, the Advisory committees responsibilities are defined accordingly: Once a month the CCAC meets to review development and design proposals, redevelopment plans and programs, development and loan agreements and other downtown development policies and programs. Affordable housing, parking, transportation needs, street lighting, homelessness and social issues are some of the subjects discussed and studied.
It is important to know about the CCAC in the next couple of days, because it is election time. If you live, work, or rent Downtown.you may be eligible to vote for your neighborhood representative. All of the pertinent information including candidate requirements, available seats, voter requirements, and all election specifics (Including specific neighborhood voting locations) can be found in the following Election Information Document.
Running for the East Village Residential Owner Representative is friend of 92101 Urban Living Bill Sauls. Bill is a friend, business associate, and friendly neighbor. Bill is a current member of the CCAC running for a second term. He wants to continue his contributions to the development of the East Village Business District, East Village Dog Park, and continued East Village neighborhood business and infrastructure growth. Bill is a homeowner at the Downtown San Diego Loft complex M2i, and currently owns his own law practice specializing in business law and estate planning. In addition to participation on the CCAC, Bill Sauls has a long and distinguished commitment of service to his community serving as a member of: The Downtown San Diego Executive Committee Board of Directors, and a member of the Property Based Improvement District (PIBD) Advisory Committee. Voting for the East Village representatives will occur Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th at the following locations:
1. Monday, October 27th at the new Downtown Information Center in Horton Plaza (above Longs Drugs) from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
2. Tuesday, October 28th at the